Year: 2024

Lightweight design is particularly important in the aviation industry. Therefore, the exploration of new lightweight potential is being strongly promoted in this sector. Potentials arise, for example, from the use of lightweight materials and the optimal structural-mechanical design of parts. This ...

Category: Research

The exciting field of tolerance management research has been a focus of the Institute of Engineering Design for many years, therefore we have taken this opportunity to consolidate the current state of knowledge in a single book. Under the title "Research in Tolerancing", this book unites the results...

Category: Research

This year's DfX Symposium took place from 12.-13.09.24 in Bamberg. In addition to organizing the event, the KTmfk also contributed various presentations and posters. The topics covered included multi-material topology optimization, the optimization of adaptation designs, the simulation-based design ...

Category: Research

On September 11, 2024, the Chair of Engineering Design (KTmfk) celebrated its 40th anniversary. The festive occasion took place in the Wassersaal of the Orangery at Erlangen Palace and provided an opportunity to look back on four decades of successful research, teaching and collaboration. The ceremo...

Category: Events

Gwen Spelly joined the user-centred design research group as a research assistant at the beginning of September. Previously, she studied medical engineering, specializing in medical device engineering and prosthetics, at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. As a student assistant and d...

Category: People

System models are used in the context of model-based systems engineering (MBSE) in order to improve communication and are essential for system documentation. However, scientific approaches in recent years show that the further utilization of these system models is of interest, for example in the for...

Category: Research