Strategy Meeting for «Vision MBSE 2050» in Graz

Left to Right – Philipp Kranabitl, Fabian Wilking, Prof. Dr. Sandro Wartzack, Prof. Dr. Hannes Hick, Dr. Stefan Götz, Clemens Faustmann, Stefan Kollegger, Dr. Matthias Bajzek
Left to Right – Philipp Kranabitl, Fabian Wilking, Prof. Dr. Sandro Wartzack, Prof. Dr. Hannes Hick, Dr. Stefan Götz, Clemens Faustmann, Stefan Kollegger, Dr. Matthias Bajzek

Following numerous successful projects, the KTmfk and the Institute for Machine Components and Methods of Development at TU Graz met in Graz for a joint strategy meeting «Vision MBSE 2050», led by Prof. Dr. Hannes Hick and Prof. Dr. Sandro Wartzack. Topics included the future of model-based systems engineering and possible innovations in this field of research. The Digital Lifecycle Lab was visited, too, which will be used to realise closer links between the two institutes for teaching and research over the next years. The KTmfk would like to thank Prof. Dr. Hick and his team for their warm hospitality and looks forward to working together on innovative projects in the coming years!