Year: 2023

After more than 6 years of joint research work in two funding phases, the DFG-funded research group FOR2271 "Process-oriented tolerance management based on virtual computer-aided engineering tools" was concluded on 04.07.23 in the context of a colloquium. The KTmfk worked on a subproject and was spe...

Category: Events, Research

The 18th IEEE System of Systems Engineering conference was held at Polytech in Lille from June 14-16. It was hosted by the Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique Lille (CRIStAL), which is dedicated to research in robotics, digital health, and AI. The Chair of Engineering Design w...

Category: Events

After a digital run in 2021, the two-yearly VDI symposium on journal and rolling bearings finally took place again in Schweinfurt on June 14-15. This time KTmfk was represented by Mr. Halmos, Mr. Kramer and Dr. Bartz. Mr. Kramer, together with Mr. Rüth from the Chair of Machine Elements, Gears and T...

Category: Events

Hady Mohamed joined the Lightweight Construction Group in mid-May as a research assistant. He previously studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Munich. After completing his master's degree, he worked as a development engineer at TWT Science & Innovation. During his master ...

Category: People

Prof. Frank Mantwill (Chair of Machine Elements and Computer Aided Product Design at Helmut-Schmidt University Hamburg) invited the research assistants of the WiGeP specialist group "Virtual Product Development" to meet in Hamburg from June 25 to 26. In addition to the exchange on topics from teachi...

Category: Events

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has extended its funding for the Transregional Collaborative Research Center TRR285 "Method development for mechanical joinability in versatile process chains" for another four years. The focus of the research group is on the development of scientific methods and...

Category: Research