Successful project completion of the BFS research association Customised Digital Engineering for Bavarian SMEs (FORCuDE@BEV) in March 2023

The aim of the research association was to research customized digital engineering methods for the development of the electric powertrain, especially in Bavarian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In cooperation with the Institute for Engineering Design and CAD at the University of Bayreuth (Prof. Dr.-Ing. S. Tremmel), the Gear Research Center at the Technical University of Munich (Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Stahl) and the Institute for Technical Product Development at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich (Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Paetzold-Byhain) and 25 industrial partners, KTmfk studied the adaptation and integration of data mining and machine learning methods in product development for three years.
Within this research association the two sub-projects “Systematic Implementation Support of Digital Engineering for Bavarian Companies” and “Data-Driven Linking of Test Bench and Field Data” were led by the KTmfk. During the final review at the end of March, the results of the research association were successfully presented to the review panel, consisting of representatives of the research foundation and independent professors. While all eight sub-projects were convincing, the research of the two sub-projects at KTmfk have been rated with very good to excellent.
Our special thanks go to the Bavarian Research Foundation for funding the project. We would also like to thank the participating institutes and industrial partners, in particular the project partners CADFEM GmbH, psw automotive engineering GmbH, Conti Temic microelectronic GmbH and covum GmbH.
Further information on the research project can be found at: